The ESC team has unrivalled waste management experience within Southeast Asia, having completed numerous complex technical projects for Government, Overseas Development Aid & Multi-National clients.

Our completed projects have covered the full range of waste types inclusive of municipal, commercial, industrial and hazardous wastes and we have consistently demonstrated our ability to identify the most appropriate handling options from the myriad of possibilities contained within the waste management hierarchy.

ESC have successfully undertaken detailed studies on waste generation, collection, transportation, reutilisation, recycling and disposal.

We have provided advice to policy makers on waste management strategies and regulations, designed waste transport, sorting, transfer, treatment and disposal facilities and produced comprehensive yet accessible training materials that deal with a diverse range of topics ranging from waste minimisation and recycling to the maintenance, management and operation of regional waste sorting, composting and landfill facilities.

It is our holistic and practical approach coupled with our insights into and deep knowledge of the Asian setting that enables our clients to benefit from the application of our credible and cost effective solutions to all waste management challenges.

Key Contact

Dr Tim Walsh

Dr Tim Walsh